Miami Police Department
Miami Police Department Shop

Please note, the discounts listed only apply if you are buying for yourself.
Special Visitor - 50C
Special Discounts on Coloured Chat Packages
Discounts on sold packages (10%) (bots in base, custom discord roles etc).
1 SV referral (Only valid to use if you are a MPD member)
Access to MPD’s Discord Server
Access to MPD’s Base
20% off Rank Sales
Discord Shop
​SV - 10% OFF
Bronze/Silver - 20% OFF
Gold - 25% OFF
Diamond - 30% OFF
Custom Discord Role - 50c
Custom Discord Emoji - 25c
HC Coloured Chat Package Purchasers:
In-Base Permissions​
HC Color Chat Package ​- 40c
5iC+ - 35c
Special Visitor - 25c
Bronze Donator - 5c
NON-HC Color Chat Package - 20c
Ability to use NON-HC chat bubbles, excluding red/yellow.
(including NFT, themed chat, Neons, HC and Non-HC)​
Bot in Base
SV - 10% OFF​​
Bronze/Silver - 20% OFF
Gold - 25% OFF
Diamond - 30% OFF
Monthly - 200c/monthly
Permanent - 1000c
NON-HC Coloured Chat Package Purchasers: